Robert - This was another great and very helpful essay. Thank you! When I saw the title, "Environmental Matters," I got excited to think you might be speaking on the environment - conservation, renewables, the link between climate justice and DEI, etc. PLEASE consider lending your voice to topics like these. There is no greater threat to "business as usual" than a dead planet. And again, thank you for all you do! - Lee
I’m smack dab in the middle of reading Charles Duhigg’s book on habits. It’s a good one.
He argues that the “habit loop” is a major driver of human behavior. Cue-routine-reward is a circular loops that influences everything from marketing to chimpanzees.
If we can change the cue and the reward, we can modify our routine and, thus, change the habit. Habits can’t be destroyed, but they can be modified.
Glazer, on the other hand, writes that if we change our environments, we can shape the way that other inputs shape us. I don’t think it’s an either/or proposition.
Intriguing thought -- to be intentional about being in the right environment instead of all the effort needed for willpower to make those things happen in less-ideal settings. Seems like this ties to alignment with one's Core Values... 🎯 Glad you had a great vacation in Park City.
This FF is likely the answer (ah ha) to so many people’s question: “ why can’t I stop/start doing ‘X’? ”
We’ve all heard “change your habits, change your life.”
This FF brings out the added impact of: “ change your environment, so you can change and support your new habit(s), and watch your life change! “
Great FF Robert.
All of what you said is so true. That's why it is said, tell me your company and I shall tell you who you are.
Robert - This was another great and very helpful essay. Thank you! When I saw the title, "Environmental Matters," I got excited to think you might be speaking on the environment - conservation, renewables, the link between climate justice and DEI, etc. PLEASE consider lending your voice to topics like these. There is no greater threat to "business as usual" than a dead planet. And again, thank you for all you do! - Lee
I’m smack dab in the middle of reading Charles Duhigg’s book on habits. It’s a good one.
He argues that the “habit loop” is a major driver of human behavior. Cue-routine-reward is a circular loops that influences everything from marketing to chimpanzees.
If we can change the cue and the reward, we can modify our routine and, thus, change the habit. Habits can’t be destroyed, but they can be modified.
Glazer, on the other hand, writes that if we change our environments, we can shape the way that other inputs shape us. I don’t think it’s an either/or proposition.
Brian, please stop spamming your active trading link on this forum. I don't even know if you're a real person or a bot. Please stop, though.
Intriguing thought -- to be intentional about being in the right environment instead of all the effort needed for willpower to make those things happen in less-ideal settings. Seems like this ties to alignment with one's Core Values... 🎯 Glad you had a great vacation in Park City.