This captures how I feel about about social media and the reason I largely abstain, although see more value in LinkedIn. We’re ‘more connected’ but ‘connecting less’.

Ironically my immediate instinct was still to throw a ‘like’ on the post.

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I grew up with a kid who passed away several years ago. People still wish him a happy birthday on Facebook annually, clearly unaware of the adjacent tribute posts and heavenly wishes. You are right on, Bob.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

This article wonderfully points out the power of authentic communication and how technology can fail us in this regard. Choose quality over quantity

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Thank you Robert for bringing this topic into the conversation. When I was in college a friend used to say that phones were meant to shorten distance, not lengthen conversations. We need to learn to use the technology, not the technology uses us. The devil is on the details.

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I fear that technology can have negative impact on our conscience and character if we handle it without wisdom .

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Robert, I agree with you wholeheartedly. However, I wonder if we’re “showing our age.” I think the youth of today prefer this type of communication. I think a personal connection means something to “us” but I’m not sure it makes a difference with “them” because they’ve grown up with high tech, low touch relationships. As a nurse, I have a hard time imagining what nursing in the future will be, or not be!

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Great post, Robert. A really apt example of what "authenticity", genuineness, does or does not look like. Thanks!

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