Thanks Robert. This is an important post. I think part of the issue in virtue signaling is not doing the work required to know whether or not the cause you are supporting lines up with your values. When you are publicly supporting views or causes you have not thoroughly investigated, you are more apt to be caught needing to retract them. It reminds me of a post I read recently by Shane Parrish on his Farnham Street blog called "The Work Required to Have an Opinion". In it he quotes Charlie Munger, "I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do."

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Well said!

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This reminds me of a book I just read by Catherine Liu entitled Virtue Hoarders: The Case against the Professional Managerial Class. Highly recommended (and quick) read.

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Thanks Robert, your Friday Forward post always get my end of week workday off to a great start! I believe your Virtue Signaling post aligns directly with your Core Values content. Those non negotiable characteristics that shape who we are, lead directly into the causes or movements we support. Not everything thing we value is non negotiable, but those core values that form and shape us, should be!

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