Based on my lived experiences, I often say that the only common thing in common sense is that it is not common. Our lived experiences shape our common sense as well as our beliefs. In addition to our lived experiences, we need to consider the cultural differences. For example, the Japanese use kanji symbols rather than letters, write vertically, and read right to left, back to front. That is the opposite of Western cultures. Consider this when you are about to say that it is common sense!
Based on my lived experiences, I often say that the only common thing in common sense is that it is not common. Our lived experiences shape our common sense as well as our beliefs. In addition to our lived experiences, we need to consider the cultural differences. For example, the Japanese use kanji symbols rather than letters, write vertically, and read right to left, back to front. That is the opposite of Western cultures. Consider this when you are about to say that it is common sense!
This article is so important for everyone ( I will repost).
I wonder, if when these experiences are shadowed by unresolved trauma, does one have the ability to challenge their beliefs…?
Beliefs that are not founded upon truth cannot endure the test of time and integrity .