Yes!!! The pendulum of overexplaining and hyper involved parenting needs to swing back. There’s a difference between being present and hovering. Especially with teens!
I would not call them negative emotions; they have a place like pain notifying a person of an injury. Based on experience and some education, I believe all the mental illness can occur in anyone to mediate specific stressors. It becomes an illness if a person gets stuck in a response after the stressor is gone. I started saying it is as real and like leprosy, just in the function of the mind.
Yes!!! The pendulum of overexplaining and hyper involved parenting needs to swing back. There’s a difference between being present and hovering. Especially with teens!
Great advice. Thank you!
I really needed this...
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." - Confucius
This quote really hit hard and closer to home... Much obliged.
I would not call them negative emotions; they have a place like pain notifying a person of an injury. Based on experience and some education, I believe all the mental illness can occur in anyone to mediate specific stressors. It becomes an illness if a person gets stuck in a response after the stressor is gone. I started saying it is as real and like leprosy, just in the function of the mind.